General Information

Important Dates

20 January: Website Open
03 February: First Announcement
20 April - 04 December: Registration Open
20 April - 20 August: Abstract Submission Open
20 April: 2nd Call for Paper
20 June: 3rd Call for Paper
31 July: Final Call for Paper
20 August: Close Abstract Submission
20 September: email notification for all presentations date/time/oral/poster
25 September: ISS2025 Program Open
30 September: Early bird rate registration deadline
01 October - 04 December: Proceedings manuscript submission
31 October: Close banquet registration
25 November: Abstract Open
02 December - 04 December: Symposium


There is no official travel agency for ISS2025. If someone contacts you suggesting or claiming to be an "official accommodation provider or travel agent", you should suspect that this is a fraudulent attempt to obtain your personal information.

News and Topics

20 January 2025: ISS2025 Official Website is open for public


Considering the current international situation, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan has revised the Export Trade Control Ordinance based on the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Law. The ISS2025 Secretariat shall follow and organize the symposium under the government policy. The ISS2025 will not accept registration applications by Scientists/ Engineers related to Russian Federation and Republic of Belarus. For more information, please contact the ISS2025 secretariat at Info4iss[at] (replace [at] with @).


Privacy Policy:
The International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS) will acquire, use and manage personal information according as written in the following terms.
Acquisition of personal information and purpose of use: The ISS will obtain personal information (name, address, affiliation, telephone number, e-mail address, etc.) of participants of the International Symposium on Superconductivity. The ISS uses the personal information you provide for visa application procedures, confirmation of receipt of registration fees and banquet fees, payment of honorariums to invited speakers and plenary speakers, organization of symposium programs, and reviewing of abstracts and proceedings. The information will be used to provide information to encourage participation in the symposium, and for other purposes to facilitate the preparation and operation of the International Symposium on Superconductivity.
Limitations of the use and provision: The ISS will not use the acquired personal information for the purposes other than that written above. The ISS will not provide the personal information to third parties unless the ISS is required to do so by laws or regulations with regard to privacy protection.
Management of personal information: In order to secure the accuracy and safety of the acquired personal information, the ISS takes appropriate measures to prevent unlawful access to or loss, destruction, falsification, leakage, etc. of the personal information.